Monday, March 15, 2010

Hibernate Native SQL

Hiberante HQL/Criteria doesn't support the query for Map collection with dereferenced key object. AddEntity() method will convert the result into domain object, otherwise, it would be an object array.

String sqlStr = "select t.* from ce_template t, ce_apProfileTemplate_wlanServiceTemplate aw "
+ "where and t.templateType='APPROFILE' and t.oldId=0 "
+ "and aw.wlanServiceTemplateId=:id";
Query query = getSession().createSQLQuery(sqlStr)
.addEntity("t", Template.class)
.setInteger("id", t.getId());

Sunday, March 7, 2010



Saturday, March 6, 2010

Formula in Map

<key column="ITEM_ID"/>
<map-key type="string" column="IMAGENAME"/>

<property name="filename" column="FILENAME" not-null="true"/>
<property name="sizeX" column="SIZEX"/>
<property name="sizeY" column="SIZEY"/>

This has the drawback that the embedded component class (Image) doesn't have the property imageName which is the map key. It may be undesirable.

<key column="ITEM_ID"/>
<map-key type="string" column="IMAGENAME"/>

<property name="name" type="string" formula="IMAGENAME"/>
<property name="filename" column="FILENAME" not-null="true"/>
<property name="sizeX" column="SIZEX"/>
<property name="sizeY" column="SIZEY"/>

In Hibernate 3.x, formula comes as a rescue here.

[Reference] Hibernate: how to map a collection of embedded components keyed by one of the component's properties?